Work on server NC027 is underway. It started at 01:59 UTC and should be complete by about 02:45 UTC.
Work on server NC027 is underway. It started at 01:59 UTC and should be complete by about 02:45 UTC.
We are about to perform urgent maintenance on server NC027 to address an upcoming capacity issue. As soon as the maintenance starts and we have an estimate for how long it will take, we will post an update here.
During the work the server will be unavailable. Incoming email will be delayed, but not lost.
If you have any concerns, please contact support. Thank-you for your patience.
Server NC027 was rebooted at 05:43 UTC after being found unresponsive. We are looking into the cause of the issue.
Further information from the data centre on the reboot of server NC027 indicates that there was a hardware management issue in the data centre that necessitated a reboot of this server to maintain and improve stability of this machine. The issue was addressed with a software upgrade during the downtime, and we have been assured that this addresses the issue and will not happen again.
If you have any questions about this, please contact NinerNet support. Thanks again for your patience and understanding.
We have determined, through log analysis, that server NC027 was shut down at 14:03 and restarted at 14:24 UTC. So the server was unavailable for 21 minutes this afternoon.
Any email sent to addresses on this server would have been queued on the sending servers until this server was back online, and would have been delivered at that time or shortly thereafter. You will have received any such email by this time.
When we receive more details from the data centre we will post them here. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and will post additional details here as soon as we have them. Thanks for your patience.
We received a report from the data centre that there was a hardware issue on this server this afternoon (UTC) that necessitated a reboot at 14:24 UTC. We are awaiting more details and will report them here as soon as we know more.
The maintenance on server NC027 to increase the RAM, increase bandwidth capacity and move to solid-state drives has been completed. It took far less time than we expected, which is a good thing of course. The server was taken offline at 19:20 and was back online at 19:41 UTC.
Systems have been checked and everything appears to be operating normally. If you have any questions about this upgrade, please contact NinerNet support to let us know and we will be happy to answer your questions. Thanks very much for your patience and understanding.
The upgrades to server NC027 are currently underway. They started at 19:20 UTC, which was 20 minutes later than planned. We apologise for the delay in starting, but we still expect to be done within the 90 minute window.
This is a reminder that we will be performing upgrades on server NC027 during our maintenance window this weekend. This maintenance will start at 19:00 UTC on Saturday, 22 November, and will take approximately 90 minutes.
During that time NC027 will be offline. No websites are hosted on this server, but this will affect all email accounts on this server. Your email is hosted on this server if you do not have web hosting with NinerNet, or you have a WordPress website hosted with us.
Incoming email will be stored on the sending mail servers while NC027 is down; it will not bounce, and email will not be lost.
If you have any questions or concerns about this maintenance, please contact NinerNet support and we’ll be happy to help you.
Since the migration of many email accounts to the new server, we’ve had reports of email from some regular correspondents (with email hosted outside of NinerNet) to domains hosted on the new server bouncing back to those senders as undeliverable. All of these reports, so far, are about the same improper configuration of Microsoft Exchange mail servers.
A person sending you an email through a mis-configured mail server will receive a bounce message that includes an explanation for the bounce that looks like this: #554 5.7.1 <senderdomain.local>: Helo command rejected: Go away, bad guy (.local).
The problem is the “senderdomain.local” string. In this case “senderdomain” stands in for an actual name — e.g., something that looks like it might be a domain — followed by “.local”. A properly configured mail server that connects to the public Internet is supposed to advertise a “fully-qualified domain name” (FQDN) through the “HELO” (or “EHLO”) command rather than “something.local”, which is not a real domain. Many mail servers, including ours, reject attempts to deliver mail from improperly configured mail servers advertising a “domain” that does not (or cannot) exist. The reason for this is that much spam comes from machines that are improperly configured in this manner. More technical details about this can be read in theĀ Best Practises for Email and Network Operators – Valid HELO domain article.
Your correspondents will likely think that we are blocking their domain specifically (very likely that we are NOT) or that something is otherwise wrong on our mail server. However, it is the other way around; your correspondents experiencing this problem need to talk to their own IT people, perhaps pointing them to this post, as their mail server needs to be reconfigured correctly.
The article Exchange DNS Configuration for Email Delivery includes a number of helpful hints for the Exchange server administrator about how to properly configure an Exchange server to work correctly on the Internet with respect to domains and DNS. About half way down the page are sections entitled SMTP Banner – Exchange 2003 and SMTP Banner – Exchange 2007 that explain how to set the SMTP banner — i.e., the domain that is advertised by the Exchange server when it connects to another mail server to attempt to deliver email. As mentioned previously, this needs to be a proper domain that is resolvable on the Internet, not something that doesn’t exist like “senderdomain.local”.
Our experience is that when an Exchange server is correctly reconfigured, email from that server starts getting through again immediately, and deliveries to other servers that do not block based on this incorrect behaviour are not affected.
Another possible solution to this problem is for the Exchange server to use a smart host, through which all outbound email is delivered to the public Internet. This has a number of advantages, including not having to reconfigure the SMTP banner and the fact that the server administrator doesn’t have to be concerned about their own IP address being added to a block list if (again as a result of mis-configuration) the server inadvertently becomes the source of spam. NinerNet provides this service (relay server / smart host) for USD30 / CAD36 / ZMW165 per month.
Or you could send Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 For Dummies to the sending domain’s server administrator!
Update, 2022-01-24: The information above applies to any domain or sub-domain used in a mail server’s HELO command, not just the specific nonsense sub-domain “senderdomain.local”. If the maintainer of the sending mail server makes up a sub-domain like “”, but doesn’t actually create an A record for “”, then the effect will be the same, their email will not get through.
Additionally, these days the error message is different. It is as follows:
450 4.7.1 <>: Helo command rejected: Host not found
Mail server admins are still making this mistake today, in 2022!
Systems at a Glance:
Loc. | System | Status | Ping |
![]() | NC023 | Internal | Up? |
![]() | NC028 | Internal | Up? |
![]() | NC031 | Internal | Up? |
![]() | NC033 | Operational | Up? |
![]() | NC034 | Internal | Up? |
![]() | NC035 | Operational | Up? |
![]() | NC036 | Operational | Up? |
![]() | NC040 | Internal | Up? |
![]() | NC041 | Operational | Up? |
![]() | NC042 | Operational | Up? |
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