NinerNet Communications™
System Status

Server and System Status

NC027: Upgrade complete

24 July 2016 02:33:21 +0000

The upgrade of server NC027 was completed at 02:22 UTC, and the server is up and running. Thanks for your patience.

NC027: Upgrade in progress

24 July 2016 01:56:01 +0000

The upgrade of NC027 started at 01:47 UTC and is currently in progress.

NC027: Upgrade update

24 July 2016 00:08:15 +0000

We’re going to continue holding back the upgrade of NC027 for another two hours and re-evaluate at that time. Our apologies for the delays.

NC027: Server upgrade postponed

23 July 2016 23:17:27 +0000

Due to the possibility of significant delays, we are postponing the upgrade of NC027 scheduled for this time for another hour. We’ll reassess the situation at that time and re-evaluate. Updates will be posted here.

Thanks for your patience.

NC031 upgrade complete

16 July 2016 23:28:00 +0000

The upgrade of server NC031 was completed at 23:16 UTC, and the server is up and running. Thanks for your patience.

In light of this much faster upgrade we’re going to suggest that the bigger upgrade of server NC027 next weekend shouldn’t take nearly as long as is currently scheduled.

NC031 upgrade in progress

16 July 2016 23:10:01 +0000

The upgrade of NC031 started at 23:06 UTC and is currently in progress.

NC027 and NC031: Server upgrades

13 July 2016 22:02:41 +0000

The above two servers — the primary mail (NC027) and web (NC031) servers — will undergo hardware upgrades during our regular weekend maintenance windows this weekend and next:

* 16 July, 23:00 UTC: NC031, duration approximately 2 hours
* 23 July, 23:00 UTC: NC027, duration approximately 7 hours

Please click on the above dates and times to use the World Time Server website to convert to your local time zone. The above durations are only estimates. Down time will be slightly less, as some of the work can be done while the servers are still up, and there’s always the possibility that the work will finish more quickly. However, please plan for the servers to be down for the entire durations stated above.

Incoming email during the maintenance of server NC027 on the weekend of 23 July will be held on the sending servers and delivered once the server is back online. No email will be lost.

During the maintenance this status website will be available, and we will post updates when the maintenance starts and ends, as well as during if necessary.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us to let us know. Thanks for your patience and understanding as we work to improve our service to you.

NC020: Emergency maintenance complete

28 June 2016 12:36:56 +0000

Previous similar work on another server took well over an hour to complete, so to be on the safe side we estimated two hours of downtime for server NC020. However, this time it took only 33 minutes and the server was only down for a few minutes during that time.

Sometimes things go inexplicably well, so we’ll take the good news!

NC020: Server going down for emergency maintenance

28 June 2016 11:35:28 +0000

Starting at approximately 11:45 UTC on Tuesday, 28 June 2016, server NC020 will undergo emergency maintenance. Some of the maintenance will need to be conducted offline. The server will be offline for up to two hours.

This will affect some websites, mostly WordPress websites that have not yet been migrated to server NC031. One website it will affect will be our status website, the one you’re reading right now. Once the server is back online, we’ll post an update here.

Email to the domain will also be interrupted during this maintenance.

We apologise for the inconvenience and the short notice. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank-you for your patience.

NC020: Web server problem

4 June 2016 06:49:09 +0000

The web server on server NC020 experienced a problem at 04:45 UTC on 4 June 2016, and shut itself down. The problem was rectified at 06:00.

We apologise for the problem, and will resume migration of the websites on NC020 to NC031 this coming week. If you have asked us to delay the migration of your website, please contact us if you still need a further delay.

NinerNet home page

Systems at a Glance:

Server NC023, London, United Kingdom (Relay server), INTERNAL.NC023InternalUp?
Server NC028, Vancouver, Canada (Monitoring server), INTERNAL.NC028InternalUp?
Server NC031, New York, United States of America (Web server), INTERNAL.NC031InternalUp?
Server NC033, Toronto, Canada (Primary nameserver), OPERATIONAL.NC033OperationalUp?
Server NC034, Lusaka, Zambia (Phone server), INTERNAL.NC034InternalUp?
Server NC035, Sydney, Australia (Secondary nameserver), OPERATIONAL.NC035OperationalUp?
Server NC036, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Mail server), OPERATIONAL.NC036OperationalUp?
Server NC040, Toronto, Canada (Web server), INTERNAL.NC040InternalUp?
Server NC041, New York, United States of America (Web server), OPERATIONAL.NC041OperationalUp?
Server NC042, Seattle, United States of America (Status website), OPERATIONAL.NC042OperationalUp?


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