NinerNet Communications™
System Status

Server and System Status

Update on server NC018 reboot

11 July 2009 07:01:58 +0000

Our investigation into why this server rebooted was inconclusive. We have, however, determined that it is currently running properly and not experiencing any problems. We’ll be monitoring key indicators to ensure that this should not repeat itself, as well as revising the way we monitor certain services.

NC018 server reboot

11 July 2009 00:11:06 +0000

Server NC018 was rebooted at 14:10 UTC on July 10th. After the reboot, the control panel was unavailable, but this was not immediately apparent. The server was again rebooted at 23:17 UTC and the control panel is once again available.

There are a couple of unresolved issues surrounding this incident, and we are working to determine the cause or causes, as these were not scheduled events. When we have further information we will post it here.

In the meantime, if you run into any issues, with the control panel or anything else, please contact support. Thanks for your patience.

Mailing lists on server NC018 back online

14 June 2009 02:57:56 +0000

The issue that caused us to suspend the processing of mailing lists with PHP List has been resolved, and the mailing lists are fully functional once more. Just to clarify, it was only the sending of mail-outs that was suspended; all other functions remained online.

Thanks for your patience.

Mailing lists on server NC018

14 June 2009 00:26:20 +0000

The processing of mailing lists with PHP List has been temporarily suspended for at least the next 24 hours while we resolve an issue following an upgrade. We will have further updates here within the next 24 hours.

Report on failure of server NC020

3 June 2009 03:45:36 +0000

The cause of the problem with NC020 was a website that overwhelmed the MySQL database server, causing the server to kill MySQL and run out of memory. As a result, although the server was technically “running”, all processes failed and no connections could be made to the server. A hard reboot brought the server back online.

The problem with the website in question is being addressed, and this shouldn’t happen again.

It should be noted that server NC020 is a secondary server, generally for specialised projects and functions, and this incident affected almost none of our clients.

Server NC020 back online

2 June 2009 14:58:00 +0000

We’re looking into the cause of this problem and will have a report later today.

Server NC020 down

2 June 2009 14:30:58 +0000

Server NC020 is apparently offline at the moment. We are looking into this and will report details here as soon as they are available.

NinerNet home page

Systems at a Glance:

Server NC023, London, United Kingdom (Relay server), INTERNAL.NC023InternalUp?
Server NC028, Vancouver, Canada (Monitoring server), INTERNAL.NC028InternalUp?
Server NC031, New York, United States of America (Web server), INTERNAL.NC031InternalUp?
Server NC033, Toronto, Canada (Primary nameserver), OPERATIONAL.NC033OperationalUp?
Server NC034, Lusaka, Zambia (Phone server), INTERNAL.NC034InternalUp?
Server NC035, Sydney, Australia (Secondary nameserver), OPERATIONAL.NC035OperationalUp?
Server NC036, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Mail server), OPERATIONAL.NC036OperationalUp?
Server NC040, Toronto, Canada (Web server), INTERNAL.NC040InternalUp?
Server NC041, New York, United States of America (Web server), OPERATIONAL.NC041OperationalUp?
Server NC042, Seattle, United States of America (Status website), OPERATIONAL.NC042OperationalUp?


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